Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Spanish American War Newscast

Spanish-American War Investigation: Colebrook Undercover We are going undercover to resolve one of the biggest mysteries in U.S. history. Together we are launching an investigation to figure out why the United States invaded Cuba in 1898. Using the information gathered from our detective work we then, as a class, create a video newscast displaying our findings and conclusions. 1. Analyze the documents and evidence 2. Make your hypothesis as to why the United States invaded Spain? 3. Create a storyboard and script for newscast: Colebrook Undercover 4. Collect Pictures, Documents, Video clips that could go into our newscast 5. Record and edit the newscast 6. Reflect and Post Video for the World to See!
Colebrook students analyze primary source documents, represent and source differing sides, and present all perspectives of historical events!

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